Thordon Bearings
Coppedge Marine is an exclusive, factory trained Sales Representative and Stocking Distributor for Thordon Bearings, Inc. We offer quick deliveries, Technical Support and Analysis with each application. Our territory consists of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina and the Bahamas for marine applications.
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ThorPlas can be a direct replacement for greased bronze where the end user's desire is to elimanate grease. Thorplas can also offer better wear life. Applications include: Fairlead roller bushings, lifeboat davit bushings, and steering linkage bushings.

XL Grade
XL is the standard grade for marine propeller shaft bearing applications. These bearings are available in a wide range of sizes in both grooved and un-grooved configurations.

Thordon Compac Water Lubricated Elastomeric Bearings feature special lubricants to provide a low coefficient of friction. This coupled with a unique water groove design (grooves in the top half only), help reduce start-up friction and eliminates stick-slip. Compac Bearings are designed to have a 2:1 L/D ratio and are approved by all major Classification Societies. The Compac Water Lubricated Propeller Shaft Bearing System utilizes Compac Bearings, bearing carriers, Thordon water quality package, Thordon shaft coating (ThorCoat), and Thordon approved shaft liners. This system offers a ten year Compac wear life guarantee.

SXL Grade
SXL is the standard grade for bearings in industrial pump applications. SXL is used world wide as a grease free rudder bushing along with SXL thrust washers.

Marine applications include: Pushboat and towboat propeller shaft bearings. Dredger cutterhead shaft bearings. Thordon offers the new Composite EF bearings in a 3:1 L/D ratio as a direct replacement of rubber/bronze type bearings.

Metal Backed Bearings
Thordon Metal Backed Bearings are produced by polymerizing any of the three Thordon Grades into a metallic housing. Originally developed to meet the needs of the nuclear power industry, this design is now specified in many other applications.

Thordon HPSXL is a harder, stiffer polymer compared to SXL, can be specified to a higher design pressures and has a lower dry coefficient of friction than SXL.

Thordon TRAXL refers to a special bearing configuration developed for high pressure applications with slow speed oscillating or full rotation motion where frictional heat generation is minimal.

The SXL or HPSXL can be supplied in strip or sheet form, or molded to the exact requirements of the application.

Thordon SXL is also available as Thor-Tape, a product supplied in a range of thicknesses up to 0.125" (3.2mm) and widths up to 12" (300mm). Ask us about other applications of this product.
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